I Bet You Do Not Know These 11 Interesting Facts About Doors!

Yes, even something as common as doors can be very interesting and they can have various stories to tell. Doors come in all sizes and colors these days and they can also be made from different materials. However, have you ever wondered where is the biggest door in the world and what is it used for? Or when revolving door has been invented? The answer to these questions and many more you will find in the following facts about doors.
The Egyptians have thought of a rudimentary deadbolt more than 4,000 years ago

These days, the deadbolts found on most commercial and residential properties are tumbler locks and it is believed that a very early and rudimentary version of this type of deadbolt has been invented by the smart Egyptians thousands of years ago. Still, in 1861, Linus Yale perfected this idea and created a lock that could be opened using a small, simple key.

Revolving doors are not allowed to move too fast


It could actually be dangerous if this happens. That is why in New York, the experts from Buildings Department have created a law that states that revolving doors should rotate at a speed of maximum 15 rotations per minute. Anything faster than that is illegal.

Revolving doors are with us for more than 100 years

Speaking of revolving doors, they have been invented in the 1888 by van Kannel , an inventor from Philadelphia. These days, revolving doors can be found anywhere, especially in shopping complexes and commercial buildings.

Europe’s oldest door might be more than 5,100 years old

The archeologists from Zurich, Switzerland have recently excavated what is believed to be the oldest door in the Europe. They have dated it and it has an age of approximately 5,100 years.

Doors in Ireland are very colorful and visually attractive

They are painted in numerous nuances, shades and colors and they can actually be very eye-catching and attractive. Unfortunately, this happened when the Queen Victoria died. As a sign of mourning, all homeowners from Ireland were advised to paint their doors in black. Instead of that and as a rebellion gesture, they painted the front entrance doors of their houses in many colors.

Dreaming of doors can have different meanings

In general, doors symbolize hope, liberation and communication and dreaming of a door means that there is a new opening in your life. On the other hand, if the door is closed then this means that you have missed a great opportunity recently.

The largest doors in the world are at NASA’s Vehicle Assembly Building

This building can be found at the Kennedy Space Center and it features immense doors, probably the largest ones in the world. These doors measure 45 stories tall and they can open or close in about 45 minutes. 45 stories also means about 460 feet in height, so they truly are gigantic.

Romans liked to decorate their front entrance doors in an interesting manner

Back in the days, the Romans used to decorate their front entrance doors with images of a large phallus, as a symbol of fertility, wellbeing and wealth.

The front entrance door has an important meaning in the feng shui culture

Feng shui practices try to balance the natural energies in the house, in order to increase prosperity and wealth. For example, it is said that the pathway to a door should be cleared of obstacles and other items, so that the energies can flow naturally throughout the house, towards the benefit of the homeowner and his family members.

Overhead doors were invented in 1921

This invention is accredited to C. G Johnson who also created the first automatic garage door in 1926. These days, garage doors have been perfected and they can be opened or closed with little to no effort by using a remote.

Back in the days, doors were really simple

The notion of a door back in the days consisted of a simple slab of wood with hinges. Nothing more, nothing less. As you can probably imagine, these doors were of very poor quality and they didn’t have extra security features or increased durability. Again, such rudimentary doors can be found in the ancient Egypt. Additionally, the Egyptians also had something called false doors. Basically, these doors lead to nowhere, but for them, they were the doors to the afterlife.

Luckily, today’s doors are nowhere near as rudimentary and weak as the doors used centuries or thousands of years ago. These days, modern doors are made from durable materials, they can keep thieves away and they have decorative purposes as well. Do contact our company if you are looking for storm doors, front entrance doors, patio doors or sliding doors and our experienced specialists will take care of your requirements and needs for a reasonable price!

Vinyl City

Author Vinyl City

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Vinyl City Windows & Doors Inc. 2018

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